Sport Management Major
I chose Heidelberg because it felt like a place I wanted to be. When I originally came to school here, I was a computer science major and Heidelberg stands out amongst everyone else in that department. The technology we have here rivals the largest schools in America and from my time in that department I felt the advantage I was getting by being here. Even after switching to sport management, the faculty here really care about you and your success. I have never talked with someone who cares as much about my success as Kayela Tidrick does. She really supported me and prepared me for all the challenges I faced and overcame both here at Heidelberg and in career settings off campus.
I majored in Sport Management because of the amount of knowledge, experience, and support the faculty provide. Although all of my sport management classes were held by either Pedro Machado or Kayela Tidrick, they both did an excellent job in teaching me important aspects of the sports careers I plan to endeavor beyond my time at Heidelberg University. Not only have they both done a great job of teaching in this department, but they both care so much about our success beyond Heidelberg and I feel I have made lifelong connections with both of them that I will cherish forever.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was the untimely passing of my mother. The challenge of losing a parent is not an easy burden to overcome and I would be lying if I said it didn't still affect me to this day. There are two ways in which I have handled this. The first is relying on those close to me during such a tough time. My brothers of Nu Sigma Alpha were there for me and supported me better than anyone during such a tough time even during my leave of absence. When I returned to the group fully they embraced me like I never left and for that I am forever grateful. I also knew doing this would make her proud, finishing school and being successful is something she always wanted for me and I dedicate this graduation to her.
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. This skill is so valuable beyond the classroom as not everyone can say they are okay with being put in uncomfortable situations. Here at Heidelberg, they really make you take challenges head-on whether you want to or not and it strengthens you as a person and helps develop very important skills for once you are in the workplace.
Outside the classroom, I was involved in Greek Life. I spent all four of my years at Heidelberg as a member of Nu Sigma Alpha, in which the entirety of my final year was spent as the president of this group. There are many things I am proud of doing during my time as president but most notable is winning Greek Sing, Greek Olympics, Greek Bash Banner creation, and Student Organization of the Year. I would be lying if I said I could do this on my own, but the whole group relaying their faith and trust in me helped me reach these goals. Especially my Vice President of the entire year, Keegan Logsdon, who has been my voice of reason while always supporting my every action no matter how crazy it may have seemed at first.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was actually not an official one but it was the pickup basketball games in Seiberling. Going into Seiberling and just getting to meet new people and shoot some baskets was something that always took the stress away and was a really good exercise.
One faculty member who impacted my 'Berg experience is Kayela Tidrick because she really helped me prepare for career opportunities I pursued. Whether it was the Cleveland Sports Sales Workshop, to resumé building, to interview questions, she gave me all her dedication whenever I asked for her help and I am infinitely grateful.
My advice to new freshman me would be don't be a hermit. There is so much on this campus to do and to explore and you only have 4 years. Make the best of those 4 years and enjoy every moment. Don't leave here regretting you didn't do something, go ahead and dive on in!
My favorite Heidelberg memory is sweeping all the Greek events my senior year. Seeing all of my group members mature and watching the group as a whole grow really hit the pinnacle when we won it all. I wouldn't have done anything differently and honestly even if we didn't win it all, seeing all of the Heids grow up still would have been enough for me.
My plans after graduation are to return for the PlusOne Advantage MBA Program. I will be partaking in the Cleveland Cavaliers Sales Academy over the summer to better equip myself with the tools to break into the sports sales workspace when the opportunity presents itself.